Golf Park Praha
New nine-hole course in Prague
open all year round
We are happy to announce that Golf Park Praha has opened and thus another course in Prague has been added to the CGK list.
The reception can be found at the parking lot where "old Zbraslav" clubhouse was located.
K Radotínu 15
159 00 Praha - Zbraslav
+420 725 006 635
The opening hours and price list can be found on the golf course website.
You can book your playing time through the Týčko booking system. Play 9 holes for 0.5 CGK credit.
ATTENTION: When booking a 9-hole course for a 9-hole game, be sure to check the option to play 9 holes (NOT 18 holes, the system will not offer you a credit). If you wish to play 18 holes on a 9 hole course, you must make two separate reservations for 9 holes approximately 2 hours apart.
Our tip
Buy membership R50 and get 10 games at Golf Park Praha (one 9-hole fee for 390 CZK) and other 9-hole golf courses.
9-hole Golf Course
Offers golf all year, home-like environment and pleasant client approach at the reception.
Ideal Location for Every Golfer
Friendly nine-hole course on the outskirts of Prague (Zbraslav).
Regular Club Tournaments
You can look forward to a number of tournaments, which can be found on the course website or

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